Introduction to Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics:- Computer Graphics is a sub field of computer science and is concerned with visual content till recently the  output obtained from a computer has been alpha numeric. It is well known that information presented in Graphical and pictorial form tremendously helps human comprehension. For example , Bar charts, Pie charts, Sales Graphs, etc. Are commonly use by managers. Building plans, perspective views , card board models etc. Are used by architects , Engineers use mechanical drawings., Circuit diagrams, etc. In their work.
Computer Graphics is concerned with the generation, representation, Manipulation and display of pictures with the help of Computer. With emergence of Graphical user Interface (GUI) Computer Graphics has become an integral part of all computers today.

Branches of Computer Graphics:-

Modeling:- Modeling describes the shake of an object. Be cause the appearance of an object depends largely on the exterior of the object, boundary representations are most common in computer Graphics. Modeling means describing the shape of an object.
Shading:- Shading is the process of describing surface appearance . This description canbe as simple as the specification of a color in some color space.
Animation:- Describing the motion of an object is called animation is how object moves and deforms over time.
Rendering:- Rendering means creating an image of an object . Rendering converts model into an image either by simulating light transport to get an image.


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